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Basic Rock Generation

In the basic rocck generation menu you can create multiple types of rocks. These rocks are based on 4 types. These types are cubic, boulder, quartz and custom.


A cubic rock type only has a dimension (x,y,z). This is the scale of the rock you are going to create.


A boulder rock type has a radius variable. This rock will be spherical.


The quartz type is where you can create crystal type rocks. You have several options to play with.

Variable Description
Protrustion How much the tip of the crystal 'sticks out'
Flat Tip How pointy the tip of the crystal is
Height The base height of the crystal
Width The base width of the crystal
Tetragonal This will make the crystal have 4 sides instead of 6
One Sided Whether the crystal has 2 pointy ends or not


You can also generate rocks based on custom shapes. Just drag in a mesh shape and the system will generate a low poly rock that's based on that shape. Don't use complex meshes for this because the algorithm is very slow. You are better of just using cubic, boulder or quartz but you really want to, it's an option.


In the materials section you can assign 4 materials. These are the materials that the generated rock will randomly pick from. This is useful to create a 'palette' of 4 colors to have some variation in the colors of your rock.


In the saving section you can pick the name of the rock you'll be generating as well as the collider type that will be attached to the rock.

Sometimes you will also see a 'xyz' button in this section. This is the orientation of the rock that will be generated. Just click on the button to change the orientation.